Amsterdam Break

It was finally time to go and see Amsterdam, and here it was what it looked like. Amsterdam break in October 2019.

Klaus Jens ist Parteipolitiker

Klaus Jens ist Parteipolitiker. Seine Kreisdelegierten haben ihn von Mal zu Mal wiedergewählt. Schließlich verspricht Klaus Jens Kontinuität. Sein Fraktionschef schätzt ihn als sehr loyales Mitglied. Klaus Jens weiß zu gefallen – und er weiß sich zu beherrschen. Auf seinem offiziellen Twitter-Account teilt und begrüßt er im Wesentlichen Stellungnahmen seiner Partei. Nur gelegentlich teilt er […]

Ostend again

I have to admit, I’m an addict to Ostend. I’m a stranger to this place but this place has never been a stranger to me.

Let’s bulldoze, baby

Is it better to renovate or rebuild? In Freudenberg, there’s an easy answer: Let’s bulldoze, baby. Bulldoze and rebuilt from scratch. Unfortunately, it’s all about profit potential. People don’t realise that historic preservation and downtown revitalisation go hand in hand – maybe they don’t care. Abrissorgie geht weiter

The rest will collapse on its own

I haven’t really seen this round here before. But it’s becoming a fashion: demolishing a house the DIY way. This house was neither dilipidated nor damaged. The owners had a sawmill once, and you can still see this by the solid wooden structure. However, the historic home has to go. Property developers want to replace […]

Down the valley

Glorious sunshine and splendid spring colours made me mount my bike and cycle down from Freudenberg to Kirchen on the Asdorf Valley Cycle Route. I passed the small railway museum in Niederfischbach and the old locomotive built by local manufacturer Arnold Jung in Kirchen. Have a look!

2ter April in Siegen

Zwei Tage Regen, dann endlich etwas Sonne, also raus und ein Stück der Sieg entlang … Easter stroll in Siegen

Spring in London

Daffodils, milder temperatures and first glimpses of sunshine. A trip to London started my personal springtime.

Stiff breeze off Ostend

Early February I came again to Oostende. I really love the town, the many memories, the sea, the colours and, of course, the great Belgian beer. Did you know that Madame Blavatsky, the legendary occultist and spirit medium, wrote parts of her book ‘The Secret Doctrine’ here?

An autumn’s day in London

In late autumn, when every light has a shadow, a stroll around London is especially intriguing. I walked the streets on All Saints’ Day and even took a nice boat trip on the River Thames. I got a number of very new impressions and like to share them with you. Here they are – some […]